Check out the final design for Hedge Road and Hedge Park!
The final design for Hedge Road and Hedge Park is available now. This design was shaped by YOUR input and ideas. Thank you! The project includes two detention basins, surrounded by trails with pedestrian bridges. In the center is an area that includes a basketball court, soccer goal, playground, grills and a splash play area! The site will also include plants that support butterflies and pollinators, new shade trees and other amenities. Full documents can be found in the 'More Information' section on the right hand side of this page or by clicking this link.
Safety on Hedge Road will be improved with the inclusion of a raised intersection at Hedge Road and Garden Hills Drive along with raised crosswalks that align with the pedestrian bridges. These improvements will slow traffic speeds.
The Hedge Road reconstruction and park improvements are the first step in improving drainage. Following the completion of this phase, Paula Drive will be constructed with new pipes that will also improve drainage. Sidewalks and traffic calming features like raised intersections and crosswalks are also planned for Paula Drive.

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